« What’s the Difference? Agile vs Scrum vs Waterfall vs Kanban » by Dr Nicolas Figay
A reference about Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban which will certainly help a lot of people confronted with these IT buzzwords. But other methods could help ?
A reference about Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban which will certainly help a lot of people confronted with these IT buzzwords. But other methods could help ?
The BAFS 2014 symposium was a great opportunity to meet hundreds of Business Analysts from France and Switzerland, but also from Canada and USA, as Kevin Brennan introduced the symposium with the […]
Le symposium BAFS 2014 organisé par IIBA France et Genève a pour thème la nouvelle version du BABoK, ‘bible’ du Business Analyst, fondée sur de nouveaux ‘core concepts’ dont celui, central, de Valeur
This paper takes root from « Valeur(s) & Management« , the collective work of 19 specialists in all fields of corporate performance methods, including a chapter on Business Analysis and another on […]