Construire un gratte-ciel ‘responsable’ en 2 semaines ?

Zhang Yue, chairman et CEO de Broad Group, publié dans McKinsey Insights & Publications de Mai 2014

Autre impressionnant interview,  celui de Zhang Yue, chairman et CEO de Broad Group, publié dans McKinsey Insights & Publications de Mai 2014.

Quelques extraits :

  • « Broad Sustainable Building, completed a six-story building, Broad Pavilion, at the Shanghai Expo in one day … His latest ambition is to build the world’s tallest structure. Known as Sky City, the 202-story steel skyqscraper is expected to be magnitude-9 earthquake resistant and energy efficient. Ninety percent of the structure is being built at a factory and just 10 percent assembled on site. « 
  • « … the industry does not always think long term. We tend to think in terms of a project—one building or infrastructure asset—and its timeline.We need to ask ourselves more strategic and long-term questions: What is the objective of this building or asset? How does it relate to the rest of the neighborhood and the city? How will it affect people’s quality of life? How much energy does it use? What problems could it create? »
  • « … in China the industry falls back on what we call “standard.” Because regulations emphasize standard, builders pursue it at the expense of creativity, efficiency, safety, and ultimately responsibility. « 
  • « Sky City is a mixed-use development and will include residential housing; commercial space for business, shopping, and entertainment; a school; a hospital; and two square kilometers of green space covered by 100,000 trees. Residents will have access to everything they need in this self-contained development. Think of how lovely our cities could be if we all traveled to work and school and ran errands on foot. « 
  • « We hope this project leads three important revolutions: one is a revolution of the construction process; two is a revolution of resource efficiency; and three is a revolution of the construction-industry business model and oversight. »

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