BAFS 2014 : Value as a central core concept of Business Analysis

BAFS 2014 - value central core concept of BABoKv3 GB- 20140626
BAFS 2014 Changing change, BABOK v3 ; Value as a core concept

The BAFS 2014 symposium was a great opportunity to meet hundreds of Business Analysts from France and Switzerland, but also from Canada and USA, as Kevin Brennan introduced the symposium with the new version of BABoK, and Kathleen Hass shared her long experience about complex project management.

These are the new horizons of BA : on the downstream side, the synergy with Project Managers, on the upstream side the contribution to value creation !

I had the opportunity to present a paper on ‘BAFS 2014 – value central core concept of BABoKv3 GB- 20140626‘ both in Geneva and Paris the potential synergy with Value(s) methods :

  • BA and VA/VM share definitions of Value and relations between core concepts,
  • the system / value approach helps optimizing products, processes and organizations since 30+ years
  • the role of BAs can be defined as ‘problem solvers’

There definitely is room for synergies between Business Analysis and Value Management : will IIBA add a ‘perspective’ to the BABoK v3 ? In any case, we will offer VM training to the BA community, in France, Switzerland and elsewhere !


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